July 13, 2021
I’m perturbed. I’ve read an article by the Financial Times journalist, Lucy Kellaway. The teaser…
February 23, 2021
Brain science and the power of walking
I became fascinated by brain science and the interplay of leadership and the concept of…
February 9, 2021
Working to goals or dreams
Are you driven by goals? This may seem an odd question from a coach. Goal-setting…
April 2, 2019
Force of Habit!
Day 2/30 Challenge. Today I stepped out on my usual route to the station despite…
March 21, 2016
Are you overwhelmed?
As a business owner or leader you have a lot of commitments to juggle, people…
July 7, 2015
Modern science confirms ancient wisdom
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke
December 4, 2013
Is your smartphone making you dumb?
Does the flashing red light, the vibration or the ping distract you from your meeting…